| Abstract Detail
Biogeography Otero, Ana [1], Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro [2], Valcarcel, Virginia [3], Vargas, Pablo [1]. Large-scale intercontinental disjunctions in the Omphalodes clade (Boraginaceae). Omphalodes clade (Boraginaceae, Cynoglosseae) groups 23 species currently belonging to four genera occurring in four intercontinental disjunct areas: Western Palaearctic (Omphalodes s.s.), SE USA and NE Mexico (Mimophytum s.l.), Andean South America (Cynoglossum paniculatum group), and New Zealand (Myosotidium). Also, this clade displays a wide variety of morphological structures in the fruits that seem to be related to different dispersal mechanisms. Some of these structures have been documented to be related to particular dispersal modes, such as the existence of glochids to epizoochory or having wings to anemochory. On the other hand, the relation of other anatomical structures observed to dispersal needs further evaluation, such as owning an air chamber to hydrochory or growing a mesocarpic protrusion to myrmecochory. In this study we evaluate if the morphological fruit diversity observed in Ompahlodes clade is linked to its spreading ability and diversification. For this purpose we analysed three nucleotidic regions (nuclear, ITS, pastidial, trnL-trnF and Rps16) and SEM carpological photographs from fifteen species of Omphalodes and the related species. As preliminary results, basal clade is formed by the five annual Omphalodes species from Iberian Peninsula, that are sister to other clade constituted by perennial Mediterranean species and species from New World, where also Myosotidium from New Zealand is retrieved. The origin of the Omphalodes clade seems to date back to Mid Miocene. We have identified carpological traits constrained to some of the subclades, such as open nutlet margin and presence of glochids in species of New World, and involuted margin and mesocarpic emergence confined to Old World species. Future dispersal analysis, diversification correlation analysis and niche modelling techniques will help to elucidate the dispersal paths involved in the historical spread of this group of plants. Log in to add this item to your schedule
1 - Real Jardin Botanico, Plaza de Murillo 2, Madrid, 28014, Spain 2 - Washington State University, School of Biological Sciences, Pullman, WA, 99164, United States 3 - Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Biologia, Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco, Madrid, 28049, Spain
Keywords: Boraginaceae biogeography Disjunction Intercontinental seed dispersal.
Presentation Type: Poster:Posters for Topics Session: P Location: Hall D/The Shaw Conference Centre Date: Monday, July 27th, 2015 Time: 5:30 PM Number: PBG008 Abstract ID:1007 Candidate for Awards:None |