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Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

R (1 Abstract)
radial flower symmetry (3 Abstracts)
radiation (2 Abstracts)
radicle (1 Abstract)
RADseq (8 Abstracts)
raised bogs (1 Abstract)
ramet (1 Abstract)
range limits (2 Abstracts)
range shift (1 Abstract)
Rapid radiation (6 Abstracts)
rarefaction (1 Abstract)
Rare fungi (2 Abstracts)
rare lichen (2 Abstracts)
rare plant (8 Abstracts)
rarity (1 Abstract)
Raspberry (2 Abstracts)
ratchet model (1 Abstract)
rate elevation (1 Abstract)
rate heterogeneity (1 Abstract)
rbcL gene (1 Abstract)
reaction-diffusion (1 Abstract)
reactive oxygen species (3 Abstracts)
receptivity (1 Abstract)
Receptor (1 Abstract)
reciprocal cross (1 Abstract)
reclamation (7 Abstracts)
recreation (1 Abstract)
recruitment (1 Abstract)
red/far-red ratio (1 Abstract)
red oak acorn production (2 Abstracts)
Redox proteomics (1 Abstract)
redox regulated expression (1 Abstract)
reduction-oxidation (1 Abstract)
reductionist (1 Abstract)
reference ecosystem (1 Abstract)
Refugia (3 Abstracts)
Regeneration (3 Abstracts)
regulatory network (1 Abstract)
rehydration (2 Abstracts)
rejection (1 Abstract)
REMAP (1 Abstract)
remobilization (2 Abstracts)
Remote sensing (1 Abstract)
repetitive sequences (1 Abstract)
reproductive biology (7 Abstracts)
reproductive interference (1 Abstract)
reproductive investment (2 Abstracts)
reproductive isolation (3 Abstracts)
reproductive success (1 Abstract)
reproductive timing (1 Abstract)
reproductive traits (1 Abstract)
Residual patches (1 Abstract)
resistance genes (1 Abstract)
Resistance proteins (1 Abstract)
resistance screening (2 Abstracts)
resistant (1 Abstract)
resource allocation (3 Abstracts)
Respiration (2 Abstracts)
Respiration in the light (1 Abstract)
response traits (1 Abstract)
Resting spore (1 Abstract)
resting spore viability (1 Abstract)
restoration (7 Abstracts)
restoration ecology (1 Abstract)
restoration methods (1 Abstract)
restriction enzymes (1 Abstract)
restriction site associated DNA (2 Abstracts)
reticulate evolution (3 Abstracts)
Rhaphithamnus (1 Abstract)
rhizobia (3 Abstracts)
Rhizobium (2 Abstracts)
rhizophore (1 Abstract)
Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (1 Abstract)
rhizosphere (3 Abstracts)
Rhododendron (1 Abstract)
Rhus typhina (1 Abstract)
Rhynchophorus palmarum (1 Abstract)
Rhynchosporium commune (1 Abstract)
Rhytismatales (1 Abstract)
Ribes (1 Abstract)
Ribes (1 Abstract)
ribosomal DNA (1 Abstract)
Ribosome biogenesis (1 Abstract)
rice (1 Abstract)
rice blast (1 Abstract)
riparian (5 Abstracts)
Ripening (1 Abstract)
risk (1 Abstract)
RNA (1 Abstract)
RNA-Seq (11 Abstracts)
RNA Degradosome (1 Abstract)
RNA Helicase (3 Abstracts)
RNAi (2 Abstracts)
RNA Sequencing (3 Abstracts)
rockferns (1 Abstract)
rock gardens (1 Abstract)
Ronnbergia (1 Abstract)
root (2 Abstracts)
root anatomy (3 Abstracts)
root apical meristem (1 Abstract)
root growth (4 Abstracts)
root hair (1 Abstract)
Root lifespan (2 Abstracts)
root morphology (2 Abstracts)
root rot (2 Abstracts)
Roots (4 Abstracts)
roots and shoots (1 Abstract)
root tip (1 Abstract)
Root water transport  (1 Abstract)
root zone hypoxia (1 Abstract)
Rosaceae (2 Abstracts)
rosids (1 Abstract)
RPB2 (1 Abstract)
RPB2 gene (1 Abstract)
rps16 (1 Abstract)
RT-PCR (1 Abstract)
Rubiaceae (1 Abstract)
Rubisco Regulation (1 Abstract)
Rubus chamaemorus (1 Abstract)
Rural Enhancement of Science Instruction (1 Abstract)
Russula (2 Abstracts)
Rutaceae (1 Abstract)

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